Chronic disease program in Iran: Thalassemia control program
Thalassemia, Surveillance, Epidemiology, Program, IranAbstract
BACKGROUND: β-thalassemias (beta-thalassemia) is the most common genetic disorder; it is an inherited globinopathy which is transmitted to people due to a mutation in genes that create globin chain. In Iran, the disease gene is more common in the northern and southern regions. It is estimated that more than 60 mutations of the disease exist in different geographical areas of Iran. Iran has begun to adopt strategies to control the
β-thalassemia for two decades; the most important of which is the screening of couples when they want to get marry. The present study aimed to review the thalassemia control program in Iran, the history of the disease, and the disease control strategies.
METHODS: This review was conducted according to hand and electronic resources. Books, guidelines and document that exist in thalassemia control program were reviewed in the Iranian Ministry of Health, World Health Organization resources, PubMed, Google Scholar, SID (scientific information database), Magiran and, Iranmedex.
RESULTS: Thalassemia program was appropriately structured and has been achieved successes. Reduction the numbers of new cases of β-thalassemia were notably. In some areas, thalassemia program has some defects and the program faced some cultural barriers.
CONCLUSION: Due to the improvements in the social and economic situation of the people, it seems necessary to focus on prenatal diagnosis (PND) and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PNG) technique strategies and provide their necessary facilities.
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