Evaluation of the status of antibiotic prescription in patients admitted to a teaching hospital in west of Iran
Antibiotic, Prescription, PatientsAbstract
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the status of the appropriate use of antibiotics by type, dosage, and length of treatment and the route of administration in Tohid teaching hospital, Sanandaj, Iran.
METHODS: In a retrospective descriptive study, 400 patients were systematically selected from patients receiving antibiotics hospitalized in Tohid hospital from March 2016 to March 2017. Demographic characteristics, hospitalization ward, diagnosis, antibiotic prescribed, dosage, length of treatment, the route of administration, and prescribing physician were recorded. The treatments were compared with standard treatment based on Harrison reference. The data were analyzed using STATA software.
RESULTS: Out of total patients, 54% were men and 46% were women with a mean age of 57.87 ± 9.87 years. The mean duration of hospitalization was 6.37 ± 2.69 days. More and less numbers of patients were admitted in the internal medicine ward (23.75%) and intensive care unit (ICU) (1.00%), respectively, The highest antibiotics were administered by internal medicine specialists (40.25%), the most commonly prescribed antibiotic was ceftriaxone (34.59%), and the most common cause of antibiotic therapy was pneumonia (20.50%). Out of 595 antibiotics prescribed, 28.50% of the administrations were inappropriate. In addition, the objective for the prescription of the first and second antibiotic was inappropriate in 27.50% and 33.70% of cases, respectively. Dosage, route of administration, and the length of treatment of the prescribed antibiotic was inappropriate in 9.00%, 0.50%, and 41.00% of cases, respectively. The highest and lowest rate of inappropriate antibiotic prescription was observed in surgical (51.31%) and infectious diseases (12.90%) wards.
CONCLUSION: Due to the increase inappropriate administration of antibiotics, it is necessary to train the specialists about the planning, appropriate medical consultations for antibiotic therapy, and limitation of the new antibiotics prescription.
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