The prevalence of infertility and related factors in patients referred to infertility center in Besat hospital, Sanandaj, Iran
Male Infertility, Female Infertility, CausalityAbstract
BACKGROUND: Infertility is considered as a prominent health care issue. The present study aimed to determine the prevalence rate of infertility and certain factors relevant to it.
METHODS: The current study was performed on every couple who visited the infertility center of Besat hospital located in Sanandaj City, Iran, in a period between 2014 and 2015. The study population was comprised of
579 patients. A certain questionnaire was used for data collection. Data was analyzed using STATA Ver.11 software. Descriptive statistics as well as chi-square, t, and Fisher’s exact tests were used.
RESULTS: Out of 579 cases, 372 ones (64.3%) showed primary infertility, and 207 cases (35.7%) had secondary infertility. The most prevalent cause of infertility in women was found to be in relationship with ovarian factors (33.5%), and in men, male factors were the first cause (30.2%). Other observed causes of infertility were uterine factors (5.5%), tubular factors (12.8%), and unknown factors (18%). No significant relationship could be found between women’s age groups and the male factors of infertility (P = 0.813); while there was in fact a meaningful statistical relationship between women's age groups and ovarian factors (P = 0.001).
CONCLUSION: The current study shows that prevalence rates of primary and secondary infertilities were 64.3% and 35.7%, respectively. Most commonly found causes of infertility in men were male factors, and in women, tubal, ovarian, and unknown factors.
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