The relationship between internet addiction, family relations, and psychological well-being in adolescents
Addiction, Internet, Family Relations, Adolescent Well Being, AdolescentAbstract
BACKGROUND: Internet is one of available modern communicational media that has created a new world for users; so that this virtual world may have irrecoverable implications. Hence, this study was conducted to examine the relationship between internet addiction, family relations, and psychological well-being among the adolescents.
METHODS: In this descriptive and correlational study, statistical population consisted of all adolescents in Urmia City, Iran. The sample size obtained to 65 adolescents, who were addicted to internet; they were enrolled using convenient sampling method in some schools in Urmia. To collect the data, Internet Addiction Test (IAT), Family Assessment Device (FAD), and Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS) were employed. The data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression tests through SPSS software.
RESULTS: There was a reverse significant relationship between internet addiction and family relations (-0.878) and subjective well-being among the adolescents (P < 0.050 for both).
CONCLUSION: According to obtained findings, it can be stated that internet addiction may lead to reduction in family relations and subjective well-being among the adolescents.
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