Cognitive restructuring compared with progressive muscle relaxation on comorbid depression and anxiety in chronic obsessive-compulsive disorder
Cognitive restructuring and OCD
Cognitive Restructuring, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Depression, Anxiety, Chronic, Obsessive-Compulsive DisorderAbstract
BACKGROUND: Comorbidities are one of the major factors in the failure of treatment of chronic obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The present study examines the efficacy of cognitive restructuring (CR) and progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) on depression and anxiety in patients with chronic OCD.
METHODS: In this experimental study, from among 112 patients referred to a clinic for treatment of OCD in Tehran, Iran, in 2019, sixty people who were eligible were selected and assigned randomly into three groups: two experimental groups, CR and PMR, and a control group; each of them included twenty persons. After pre-test in all three groups, two experimental groups received CR and PMR interventions separately in group format. In the end, all groups completed Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Data were analyzed using covariance, Bonferroni adjusted alpha, and L-matrix in SPSS software.
RESULTS: Though CR and PMR both were effective in improving depression and anxiety in patients with OCD, CR was more effective in reduction of depression and PMR was more effective in reduction of anxiety (P = 0.001).
CONCLUSION: CR is effective for depression and obsessions and PMR is more effective in anxiety in patients with chronic OCD.
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