The effectiveness of forgiveness skill training on sexual satisfaction, aggression, and marital conflict in women
Forgiveness, Sexual Satisfaction, Aggression, Marital Conflict, WomenAbstract
BACKGROUND: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the forgiveness skill training on sexual satisfaction, aggression, and marital conflict in women.
METHODS: This was a semi-experimental study with pre-test, post-test design, in which 30 women were selected by the convenience sampling method from the consultation centers in Tehran, Iran, in 2017 and were divided into the case and control groups (each consisting of 15 individuals) randomly. The experimental group participated in the forgiveness skill training in 8 sessions (two sessions weekly; each lasting for 60 minutes), while the control group was in the waiting list. The Sexual Satisfaction Questionnaire, Aggression Questionnaire, and Marital Conflict Questionnaire were used to assess the participants and the data obtained were analyzed using the SPSS software.
RESULTS: The results showed that the case and control groups had a significant difference, at least in one of the sexual relations, aggression, and marital conflict variables (P < 0.0500).
CONCLUSION: The findings indicated that the forgiveness skill training led to the improvement of sexual satisfaction, reducing aggression, and marital conflict in women.
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