Analysis of the concept of family-centered care in chronic diseases: Rodgers’s evolutionary approach
Proof of Concept Study, Concept Formation, Family-Centered Nursing, Chronic IllnessAbstract
BACKGROUND: Considering the fact that hospitalization of a family member in the intensive care unit (ICU) can have a great impact on different aspects of the life of the patient’s family, the purpose of this study was to clarify the concept of family-centered care with chronic diseases admitted to ICU.
METHODS: In this study, Rodgers’ evolutionary concept approach was used to analyze the concept of family-centered care for chronic patients. Criteria for entering articles, books and scientific information in English and Persian from 1980 to 2016 on family-based care and chronic diseases were selected using scientific databases.
RESULTS: Family-based care in chronic diseases is a concept that process nature with care management, education and interaction. Also, three types of forerunners here include family-related predictions (family efficiency), self-confidence (system-related), adequate resources, social factors and cultural factors (related to care providers), participation (in this case).
CONCLUSION: The concept of family-centered care has evolved over the past few years in relation to chronic diseases. Nurses have significantly improved their knowledge of family care mainly focusing on improving the families of patients. Therefore, the nurses in the care groups have been significantly influenced and have been able to assume the responsibility of family-based care groups.
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