The role of math learning anxiety, math testing anxiety, and self-efficacy in the prediction of test anxiety
Test Anxiety Scale, Mathematics, Self-EfficacyAbstract
BACKGROUND: As a common educational phenomenon, test anxiety is known to be closely related to the academic performance and achievement, and even the future performance of most students. Math anxiety is considered to be one of the possible contributing factors to test anxiety.This study aimed to determine the role of self-efficacy and math anxiety in predicting test anxiety among girl students.
METHODS: In this descriptive-analytic study, the statistical population included all girl students studying in junior year in high schools of Urmia City, Iran, in the academic year of 2016. Of them, 351 students were selected using multistage cluster sampling method. The data were collected using Spielberger test anxiety inventory (TAI), Chiu and Henry mathematics anxiety scale for children (MASC), Sherer et al. and general self-efficacy scale (GSES). The collected data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and stepwise regression tests.
RESULTS: Self-efficacy and math anxiety could significantly predict test anxiety in studied students (P < 0.010).
CONCLUSION: The result indicated that increasing self-efficacy decreased math anxiety level and test anxiety in students. The findings imply that self-efficacy improvement and test anxiety reduction should be taken important in educational and counseling services provided for students.
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