Investigating the relationship between smental workload index and nurses’ quality of work life in teaching hospitals of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Mental workload index and quality of nurses’ work life
Workload, Nurses, Quality of Life, Job SatisfactionAbstract
BACKGROUND: The mental load of work is one of the important and influential factors on the behavior and performance of nurses in the work environment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the mental load of work and the quality of work life in working nurses.
METHODS: In a descriptive-analytical study, 125 nurses working in the general and special departments of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Sanandaj, Iran, in October and November of 2016 were examined. Data collection was done using a demographic form, a quality of work life questionnaire, and a mental workload index. The resulting data were analyzed using SPSS software and descriptive and inferential tests.
RESULTS: A significant relationship was observed between the components of physical demand, the level of frustration, and the effort score with the quality of work life (P < 0.05).
CONCLUSION: The results of the study show that the quality of work life of most nurses is average and this issue is related to the mental load of work.
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