The frequency of four common cancers in Kermanshah City, Iran, during the years 2004-2011
Breast Cancer, Skin Cancer, Bladder Cancer, Stomach CancerAbstract
BACKGROUND: Cancer is one of the most prevalent diseases in today’s civilized world, with an increasing number of sufferers with each passing day. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of common cancers in Kermanshah City, Iran, in a period of eight years between 2004 and 2011.
METHODS: This was a historic cohort study. Data were collected from Kermanshah Province Health Center (Cancer Registry). Data analysis was performed using SPSS software.
RESULTS: 6,146 people were diagnosed with cancer in Kermanshah during these eight years. The prevalence of skin, stomach, breast, and bladder cancers, without considering the patients’ genders, was 35.24, 24.58, 23.73, and 16.45 percent, respectively. The highest frequency belonged to skin cancer with 309 persons in 2007.
CONCLUSION: Considering the fact that cancer has increased in the city of Kermanshah, it is necessary to change the lifestyle of all the people in order to prevent and reduce different types of cancer. Managers, officials, and health professionals are the most suitable individuals that can start changing the lifestyle, habits, and the improper way of living in this community.
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