Analysis of the factors related to mortality in patients with primary brain and central nervous system tumors
Brain Neoplasms, Central Nervous System Neoplasms, Mortality, Risk FactorsAbstract
BACKGROUND: The present study aimed to assess the factors associated with the mortality of patints with brain tumor surgery at Be’sat Hospital in Sanandaj, Kurdistan, Iran.
METHODS: In this prospectively cross-sectional study, 108 patients diagnosed with brain tumor and followed by a surgery during April to December of 2014 were recruited. Eighteen cases were excluded from the study due to lack of information about their treatment outcomes. Patients’ information including age, gender, tumor type, tumor location, type of treatment, and extent of resection was collected by a checklist. Clinical outcome of the patients in six months after surgery was determined through phone calling to patients. All analyses conducted in SPSS software using logistic regression.
RESULTS: Forty-seven (52.2%) of the studied subjects were women. The age of cases ranged from 3 to 83 years with total mean of 43.4 ± 21.9 years. In six months after treatment, 41 (45.6%) of the treated patients died. After excluding 9 children from final analysis and modeling the data by logistic regression, statistically significant associations were observed between death from central nervous system (CNS) tumor and male gender [odds ratio (OR): 5.25, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.38–21.99], higher age (OR: 1.07, 95% CI: 1.02–1.13), partial vs. total resection (OR: 20.24, 95% CI: 1.21–337.51), and high malignant potential tumors (OR: 14.77, 95% CI: 4.85–45.02).
CONCLUSION: The results showed that both demographic (advanced age and male gender) and clinical factors (high malignant potential tumors and partial removal of tumor) related to the worse outcome in patients with primary CNS tumors during six months after surgery.
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