Reasons of cigarette smoking among the girl students in Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Girl, Cigarette, Smoking, UniversityAbstract
BACKGROUND: Smoking has been a public health problem in the world. In fact, it has been mentioned as a preventable factor of death and diseases. So, the goal of doing this research was to determine the frequency of smoking tendency and its correlate factors among the girl students in Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Iran.
METHODS: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study using simple random sampling method. Data collection instruments were confirmed questionnaires. The statistical population included all the girl students in Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences. The data were analyzed using SPSS software.
RESULTS: The prevalence of smoking cigarette among the girl students in Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences was 1.8%, as well as 2.2% for hookah consumption. Considering the relationship between smoking and residence situation, 22.1% of native students and 24.8% of alien students had experienced smoking.
CONCLUSION: Results of this study showed a low prevalence of smoking (1.8%) among the girl students in Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences.
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