Investigating the relationship between the level of serum albumin and body mass index, as nutritional indicators, with dialysis adequacy in patients under hemodialysis
Hemodialysis, Serum Albumin, Body Mass IndexAbstract
BACKGROUND: Patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) who undergo hemodialysis have many complications; one of the most important of which is malnutrition, which affects these patients’ quality of life. The aim of this study was to evaluate serum albumin and body mass index (BMI) as nutritional indicators, and their relationship with dialysis adequacy in patients under hemodialysis.
METHODS: In this study, 100 patients who underwent hemodialysis in Razi Hospital, Qaemshahr City, Iran, in 2016 were selected via convenience sampling method. The data were collected using demographic questionnaire, albumin test, and measuring height and weight of patients. Data were analyzed using linear regression and correlation coefficient tests.
RESULTS: The correlation between the hemodialysis adequacy with albumin was 0.634, which was significant
(P < 0.050). For the second hypothesis, the quality of dialysis with BMI was not positively correlated. The correlation between the hemodialysis adequacy with BMI was -0.007, which was not significant (P > 0.050). Although, in the third hypothesis, the regression between the adequacy of hemodialysis, as a dependent variable, and serum albumin and BMI, as independent variables, indicated significant relationship between serum albumin and hemodialysis adequacy; but there was no significant relationship between BMI and adequacy of hemodialysis.
CONCLUSION: Adequacy of hemodialysis is in relationship with malnutrition and improving the KT/V dialysis adequacy may have a significant effect on the malnutrition control in these patients.
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