Non-pharmacological rehabilitation of Parkinson’s disease through exercise therapy and music therapy: A narrative review
Parkinson´s disease rehabilitation
Parkinson’s Disease, Rehabilitation, Exercise-Therapy, Music-Therapy, Narrative Review, Non-Pharmacological TherapyAbstract
BACKGROUND: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a prevalent neurodegenerative condition affecting motor and non-motor functions. This narrative review explores non-pharmacological interventions, focusing on exercise therapy and music therapy.
METHODS: For this research, a thorough exploration of databases, including PubMed and Google Scholar, was undertaken to collect pertinent articles from reputable journals. The focus was on non-pharmacological rehabilitation for PD, targeting studies from the past decade with additional references reviewed. Emphasis was on articles addressing music and physical therapy for PD, resulting in the evaluation of 45 articles. Content analysis was employed, allowing for a detailed examination and synthesis of information from the literature.
RESULTS: The findings underscore the efficacy of exercise therapy, encompassing aerobic, resistance, and balance training, in ameliorating motor symptoms. This includes notable reductions in bradykinesia, rigidity, and postural instability. The positive influences of exercise interventions extend beyond their motor benefits to impacts to cognitive function, mood disorders, and sleep disturbances, presenting a holistic approach to PD management. Music therapy emerges as a promising avenue, especially when integrated with physical activity. Rhythmic auditory stimulation and group singing within the context of music therapy showcase affirmative impacts on motor control, attention, and communication outcomes for individuals with PD.
CONCLUSION: In conclusion, this narrative review sheds light on the considerable potential of non-pharmacological interventions, namely exercise therapy and music therapy, for PD rehabilitation. These insights not only contribute to the existing body of knowledge, but also offer valuable guidance for future research directions and clinical applications in the management of PD.
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