Snoring and Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Children in Qom, Iran
Snoring, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Behavioral Disorders, Children, Sleep ApneaAbstract
BACKGROUND: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is an important and common problem in children
(4-12%) which affects their daily activities and quality of life. About 1-2% of children suffer from sleep apnea with a common symptom of snoring which might cause behavioral disorders due to the lower quality of sleep. In the present study, we aim to determine the association between snoring and ADHD.
METHODS: In this case control study, we enrolled 100 children of 2-12 years who snored as the case group and 100 healthy peers as the control group. Snoring and behavioral problems were assessed by the standard questionnaires of the Berlin Questionnaire and Behavioral Disorder Questionnaire [DSM-IV], respectively.
RESULTS: The mean age, height, and weight of children were 6.81 years, 116.11 cm, and 25.39 Kg, respectively. In addition, 53.5% of participants of both groups were boys. A significant relationship was found between snoring and ADHD and its subtypes (P < 0.001).
CONCLUSION: Increasing the information of parents and colleagues on the association of snoring with behavioral disorders might assist in early diagnosis and treatment.
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