Comparison of two training methods on nurses' skills in using ventilators in medical-surgical departments
Comparison of two training methods
Education, Nurse, Skill, Mechanical VentilatorAbstract
BACKGROUND: Regarding the importance of nursing education promotion, there is a need to use methods to create nurses' knowledge and skills. This study aimed to compare two training methods on nurses' skills in using ventilators in medical-surgical (Med-Surge) department.
METHODS: This quasi-experimental study was performed in the internal and surgical wards of Amir Al-Moemenin Hospital in Arak City, Iran, in August 2019 to May 2020. The samples were 100 nurses who were selected through convenience sampling and were randomly divided into two groups of 50 samples. After the pretest administration, nurses in the control group were educated using face‑to‑face or usual method education; in the experimental group, they were trained using video‑based education. After ten days, the post-test was completed. Finally, data analysis was done using SPSS software.
RESULTS: The mean total score of the performance was significantly different among the two groups after the intervention (P < 0.001), so that after the intervention, the mean of performance score in video‑based education was higher than the usual method.
CONCLUSION: It seems that the use of video‑based education enhanced the clinical skills of nurses. Therefore, it is recommended to use more video‑based education to enhance clinical nurses' learning.
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