Presenting a competency model of treatment managers with a qualitative method of passive defense in hospitals
Competency Model, Treatment Managers, Passive DefenseAbstract
BACKGROUND: Passive defense is one of the most effective and sustainable methods of defense against threats, especially in hospitals. In hospitals, worthy managers are nessesary to continue growth and sustainable success. Aim of this research is presenting a competency model of treatment managers using a qualitative method in field of passive defense.
METHODS: The statistical population in the qualitative field included 26 experts from the scientific community and academic specialists. Comprehensive library reviews and evaluation of past studies were done and then, using the Delphi method, the dimensions and competency components of managers were identified with a passive defense approach. Kendall test and "Kendall’s coordination coefficient" were used to evaluate the degree of consensus and coordination of panel members. Data were analyzed by SPSS software and by executing the analyze command, nonparametric tests, and K related samples (P = 0.05).
RESULTS: The value of Kendall coefficient was 0.766 for the level of agreement and consensus of experts in the second round for the competency dimension of managers and 0.746 for the competency components of managers, which showed that there was coordination between views. The mean and standard deviation (SD) of panel members' responses in the first round and in the second round showed the importance of competency factors.
CONCLUSION: The competence of senior managers can change their performance in this position in the organization and generally help in identifying potential and profound characteristics. Therefore, managers should increase the general knowledge by participating in training courses and psychology topics.References
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