Prediction of addiction based on procrastination, distress tolerance, and perceived competence in senior high school girl students
Forecasting, Drug Users, Procrastination, Self Tolerance, Professional CompetenceAbstract
BACKGROUND: Transitional stages of life are one of the most dangerous times for more vulnerability to drug abuse. The purpose of this study was to predict addiction based on procrastination, distress tolerance, and perceived competence in senior high school girl students.
METHODS: The method of study was descriptive and correlational. The population of this study consisted of all senior high school girl students of Divandarreh, Iran, during the academic year of 2018-2019. Among them,
266 students were included in the study using multi-stage cluster sampling. The Iranian Addiction Potential Scale (IAPS), Procrastination Scale, Distress Tolerance Scale (DTS), and Perceived Competence Scale for Children (PCSC) were used for data collection. Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis.
RESULTS: There was a significant positive correlation between addiction and negligence (P < 0.010). Moreover, addiction was significantly associated with distress tolerance (P < 0.010). But perceived competence was not able to predict addiction tendency (P > 0.010). Regression analysis revealed that 21% of the variance of addiction tendency could be explained by procrastination, distress tolerance, and perceived competence.
CONCLUSION: According to the findings of this study, it is necessary to emphasize on these psychological characteristics in educational programs and prevention and treatment of addiction in schools.
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