A single-center cross-sectional study on the relationship between mental health, communication skills, and maladaptive schemas with nurses' job motivation
Nurses, Job Satisfaction, Motivation, CommunicationAbstract
BACKGROUND: Human resources are considered as the most important capital in health care system of the country. This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between mental health, communication skills, and maladaptive schemas with nurses' job motivation.
METHODS: In a cross-sectional study, during October 2018 to January 2019, 120 active nurses in Alborz Hospital, Karaj, Iran, were selected by available sampling method. The data were collected using General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), Interpersonal Communication Skills Test, Young's Early Maladaptive Schema Questionnaire (YEMSQ), and Employee Motivation Questionnaire and were analyzed using Pearson correlation and multivariable regression tests in the software environment of SPSS.
RESULTS: The results of simultaneous regression showed that the message receiving sequence indices (β = -2.32), emotional control (β = -1.98), listening (β = -1.97), insight into relationship (β = 1.06), relationship with decisiveness (β = -1.45), and communicational skills (β = -7.45) were predictors of job motivation (P < 0.010). Also, the components of failure (β = -0.19) and anxiety/insomnia (β = -0.20) were predictors of job motivation
(P < 0.010). There was a significant positive relationship between sacrifice schemas, harsh criteria, and desirability with job motivation (P < 0.050). In addition, there was a significant negative relationship between failure schemas and job motivation (P < 0.050), but other variables were not able to predict job motivation (P < 0.050).
CONCLUSION: The findings of this study indicate that there is a relationship between psychological indices and job motivation in nurses. These findings can have clinical applications in the planning of major programs in the field of health and treatment.
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