Welcome to the first volume of the Chronic Disease Journal (http://cdjournal.muk.ac.ir), a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences. The journal contains manuscripts on the topic of subacute and chronic medical conditions and diseases.
The number of medical articles published in Iran has considerably increased during the past decade. The development of any health care system strongly depends on the production, publication, dissemination, and application of updated biomedical knowledge to prevent and treat diseases and improve health services. The most critical role of medical and health professionals is to provide those in need with adequate related knowledge. The quantity of published articles is a commonly used indicator of the scientific level of a country. It also determines a country's contribution to the world science and its status in international academic rankings.
We promise that the Chronic Disease Journal will be a medium for the release of timely and thoughtful information on control, planning, treatment, patient education, management guides, policymaking, and biopsychosocial-spiritual factors in the field of subacute and chronic diseases.
Visit our editorial board at: http://cdjournal.muk.ac.ir/cdj/index.php/cdj/about/editorialTeam
Followings are some of the roles and responsibilities of the Chronic Disease Journal team:
Editor in Chief: The leading editorial position in the journal, the Chief Editor assumes overarching responsibility for the scientific and editorial quality of the journal and with it the editorial board and editorial team.
Managing Editor: Works with the chief editor to manage the editorial content of the journal. He is often involved in higher level decisions together with the chief editor, and might even be involved in the journal finances or other aspects of administration.
Journal Administrator: A journal administrator can take responsibility for handling queries and processing manuscripts through peer review (e.g. the chief editor might indicate reviewers, while the journal administrator sends the request and later the manuscript to the reviewer).
We hope you find the Chronic Disease Journal informative. We welcome your comments at cdjournal@muk.ac.ir or my direct address (ghotbinahid@muk.ac.ir or ghotbinahid@yahoo.com)How to Cite
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