A case-control study on comparing resilience, quality of life, and perceived support in patients with type 2 diabetes
Diabetes, Resilience, Quality of LifeAbstract
BACKGROUND: Diabetes is a chronic endocrine disorder characterized by impaired glucose metabolism. Diabetic foot, retinopathy, neuropathy, and nephropathy are diabetes-related outcomes that can affect resilience, quality of life (QOL), and perceived support. This study was conducted to compare resilience, QOL, and perceived support in patients with type 2 diabetes.
METHODS: This study was a correlational study conducted in the form of a case-control design and was carried out in Tehran, Iran. For this purpose, 80 patients including 40 women and 40 men were selected based on purposeful sampling method during summer 2018. Three questionnaires of Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), Family Quality of Life Questionnaire (FQOL), and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) were completed by the participants during a period of time. Data were analyzed by independent t-test and multivariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) in SPSS software.
RESULTS: The difference between the mean scores of men and women in the resilience variable was significant and higher in women (P < 0.05). Moreover, there was a significant difference between the mean scores of men and women in the variables of quality of family life and perceived support and it was higher in women (P < 0.01 for all).
CONCLUSION: The relationship between resilience, QOL, and perceived support variables with demographic indices is important and can be clinically relevant in planning appropriate interventions in patients with diabetes.
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