A case report of stomach and esophagus melanoma with liver metastases in a 63-year-old woman
Melanoma, Skin Neoplasms, MetastasisAbstract
BACKGROUND: Melanoma originates from melanocytes, which are dendritic pigmented cells. Malignant melanoma is divided into cutaneous and non-cutaneous types, and cutaneous one is the most common type. Gastric melanoma has rarely been reported, and is divided into primary and secondary categories.
CASE REPORT: We report a 63-year-old woman with continues epigastric pain complaining of bloody defecation with elucidated blood, lack of appetite, weight loss, and icteric skin. She was a known case of hypertension, and a surgery of the left eye mass was done for her, which the patient's eye was discharged completely. The patient's biopsy sample was not sent for pathology, and there was no pathology result. The patient was evaluated with endoscopy because of epigastric pain of 6 months before. In addition to class A esophagitis, a nodule with an approximate dimension of 1 cm was seen in the Z-line of the esophagus, and two black lesions in the greater curvature of the stomach were seen, which biopsy of all these lesions was done. In the pathological study of biopsy specimens in a microscopic view, the replication of scattered hotspots in submucosa with atypical cells, large nuclei, and dark brown pigmentation were observed. In the immunohistochemistry study, HMB-25, Ki-67, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), and S100 were positive. Ultimately, the patient was diagnosed with melanoma.
CONCLUSION: This report demonstrates the importance of medical documentation in determining the origin of diseases. as, if there was documentary evidence of the evacuated eye mass, differentiation of the primary or metastatic melanoma was possible.
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