Comparative analysis of morphometric parameters of intercondylar notch in patients with and without anterior cruciate ligament tears
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear, Intercondylar Notch, Femoral Bicondylar Width, Intercondylar Notch IndexAbstract
BACKGROUND: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is the most common type of ligament injury whose prevalence is higher in athletes. There are different external risk factors for this injury. However, it is important to find its physiological risk factors, as well. This study assessed the relationship between morphometric parameters of intercondylar notch and ACL tears in patients suffering from knee complications.
METHODS: Patients with or without ACL tears who had undergone knee magnetic resonance imaging for any reason were recruited based on inclusion criteria. Intercondylar notch width, femoral bicondylar width, and intercondylar notch index were calculated in both groups. Then, significant variables from univariate analysis were entered in multiple regression analysis with intercondylar notch width, femoral bicondylar width, and intercondylar notch index being assumed as dependent variables.
RESULTS: Overall, 199 participants, including 81 patients with ACL tear and 118 without ACL tear, were evaluated. Multiple regression analysis revealed intercondylar notch width and intercondylar notch index to be less common among women and subjects with ACL tears (P < 0.001).
CONCLUSION: Based on the results of this study, there are relationships between ACL tears and being female and intercondylar notch width. Therefore, intercondylar notch index can be used for screening athletes and people at risk of ACL tears.
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