Investigating the factors affecting job stress, and its relationship with employees’ job satisfaction in Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Iran, in year 2016
Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, Personnel, IranAbstract
BACKGROUND: The phenomenon of stress encounters all humans during their life time. Stress or psychological stress may be benign or malignant; the stress that make someone achieve goals is benign. If the stress exceeds its capacity, it becomes malignant stress, and causes psychosomatic complications. Research findings have shown that job stress can cause job dissatisfaction among employees. The purpose of this study was to investigate the job stress factors, and its relationship with job satisfaction among the staff members in Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Iran.
METHODS: In order to implement the plan, a list of all employees in Kurdistan University at Medical Sciences was obtained from the campus staff. Subsequently, a questionnaire containing three main sections (demographic information, job stress, and job satisfaction survey) was filed up for each staff member. So that the employee referred to the workplace, and after justification, received a questionnaire. The completed questionnaires were collected, and after an initial review (in terms of completeness), the data were analyzed using SPSS software.
RESULTS: There was no significant relationship between age and work experience with satisfaction and stress. However, there was a significant relationship between job satisfaction and gender. The level of job satisfaction among the participants with associate degree was less than three other levels. Levels of stress differed in associate and undergraduate degrees, with doctoral and postgraduate degrees. There was no significant relationship between satisfaction and stress with marital status.
CONCLUSION: Based on the findings, it is possible to use appropriate methods and strategies to reduce stressful occupational factors among staff, especially staff with associate degree, and to pick up the level of job satisfaction at the individual and eventually organizational level.
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